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Empower pilots with more data!
Why FlightAdvise?
Nine out of ten airline pilots say that being able to review their past flights data will help them develop their skills and competences and support safer and more efficient operations. The expectation of the next generation of pilots is of a fully digital work experience.
Data-rich debriefing
By getting curated access to flight data insights, pilots get to opportunity to do detailed debriefings of their flights and learn from past experience. All from a single multi-platform app.
Customizable insights
We know that every airline is different. With FlightAdvise you have full control over the data insights and visualizations that pilots get.
Learning form all operations
Enable "Learning from All Operations" in your airline by providing not only sa set of analyses, but a storytelling tool that can be used by pilots and instructors in line operations.
Data privacy
We know how sensitive flight data is. We've built-in privacy measures right into the core of our solutions.
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Sofia, Bulgaria
23 Tvardishki prohod str., Office 29